Material Handling

Eureka! Engineering, LLC is an engineering consulting company based in Washington state.

Eureka! brings to its clients and customers an unusually broad range of experience with custom-designed material handling equipment and the manufacturing of similar electro-mechanical machinery.


  • Cost Estimating and Proposal Development

  • Specification Development and Offer Analysis

  • Manufacturing Methods and Management

  • Sourcing, both Domestic and International

  • Crane Control Integration

  • Engineer’s Evaluation and Recommendation

Eureka! leverages breadth of experience against a practical attitude, which results in creative solutions to customers’ one-of-a-kind problems.

Chelan PUD Turbine Lift
Safeco Field
Gantry at Rocky Reach

Why “Eureka!”?

The Greek philosopher Archimedes, the greatest among ancient mathematicians and engineers, is said to have exclaimed, “Eureka!” (I have found it!) when finding a way of measuring the difference between solid gold and alloys.

Archimedes is also credited with explaining the physics behind the operation of the lever and the screw; the backbones of machinery engineering.

We honor Archimedes with our company name and our intent to help you find your solution.